This week was very satisfying, I was able to stave off some impulse moves and keep on track. A few weeks back, I started working with my old company, MJ Dangelo, building houses and doing construction. It has really brought me back to square about what true happiness is.
In all my searching for the "perfect job", I think I had lost sight of what I really enjoyed and what I didn't like about jobs I have held before. I was talking with my brother over the holidays, and we were talking about life and jobs and happiness and he said- The grass isn't greener on the other side. Something clicked in my head when he said this, because I think I have always held- the grass is greener mentality, in my head. I interpreted what he was saying as- sometimes you have to take a step back and look at where you are and how you got there instead of searching for where you're not.
"It is true of the Nation, as of the individual, that the greatest doer must also be the great dreamer."
Teddy Roosevelt - Berkeley, 1911
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