It's funny how before cellphones, I could remember dozens of phone numbers off the top of my head, now I the only numbers I remember are the ones from before cellphones. I can still remember my childhood buddies phone numbers, even if i haven't dialed them in 10 years.
If and when you lose your phone or SIM card, you're screwed, unless you backed up all your contacts.
I was talking with a friend and he was telling me how he spent an hour in the wireless store waiting to get a new charger for his cell phone. Going to the store was probably the wrong idea in the first place, considering there's usually an hour wait and you can bet their will be a shouting match whilst you are there. Anyways, he tells me that he's telling the guy: "listen, I need this charger cause i'm on call for work and I don't have a house phone". Long story short, the guy still gave him the wrong charger after an hour waiting and he had to go back.
The story made me think about how important cell phones have become to people these days, they are so dependent on them. There's a funny commercial running on TV for a wireless carrier, where they make a pun out of the "dead zone" or cell phone gaps.
It seems like land (phone) lines are becoming obsolete. When I see the phone company trucks these days (verizon in Massachusetts), they are in poor shape and you really don't see phone company trucks like you do Comcast vans and other utility vehicles. I actually like landlines, but I, like so many other people don't think it's worth paying $40+ a month for something you rarely use.
Just as the laptop computer took over the desktop; with the emergence of 802.11 wireless high speed internet, I think this ne, high speed, 3G wireless network will further erode landlines.
1 comment:
i know what you mean about the phone numbers...i can still remember numbers from elementary school, but i couldn't tell you my own cell phone number right's the iphone doing?
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